Painting is a Craft , Plastering is an Art.
Hire an Artist.

Plaster Cracking • Dry Wall Repair • Custom Color Matching

Bill Hudak specializes in all types of Wall and Ceiling Repair, including Old time Plastering and has been recognized by the Historic Society for his efforts in Historical Renovations.

All Plasterers can paint, but very few painters have the ability to properly repair plaster. Bill Hudak does! His craftsmanship and skill level can not be beat. Using genuine materials and a trade handed down from Hudak generations past, Bill offers the knowledge and experience it takes to make repairs that will last for years to come.

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Put your trust in Bill Hudak of Hudak's Paint & Plaster

Some of Bills most notable work includes structures like the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown.

But as always, Small Jobs Welcome!